
Topic: Animals

Nocturnal Animals


Watch the Story

Owl Moon by Jane Yolen

Read the Book

Owls and Other Animals With Amazing Eyes by Susan Labella


Creatures of the Night

Find out why some animals sleep all day and stay up all night.
Watch the Video

Lesson Activities


STEM Activity

Guess What!

Materials: Various objects

Many nocturnal animals, or animals that come out at night, use their senses of touch, smell, hearing, and taste to help them get around when it’s too dark to see. Reinforce this science concept with a fun game. Have your child close their eyes and pretend to be a nocturnal animal in the dark night. Then pick an object and let your child figure out what it is by using the senses of touch, smell, and hearing (have them use their sense of taste only if the object is safe to eat!).

See how many objects your child can guess correctly!

Actividad de Ciencia Tecnología Ingeniería y Matemáticas (STEM)


Materiales: Objetos varios

Muchos animales nocturnos, o animales que salen de noche, utilizan sus sentidos para guiarse en la oscuridad. Refuerza este concepto científico con un juego divertido. Dile a tu niño que cierre los ojos y que se imagine que es un animal nocturno que ha salido de noche. Entonces, toma un objeto y deja que tu niño utilice sus sentidos del tacto, el olfato y el oído para adivinar lo que es (solo permítele utilizar el sentido del gusto si el objeto es comestible).

¡A ver cuántos objetos puede adivinar tu niño!