
Topic: Be a Scientist

Ice Cream


Watch the Story

Groovy Joe: Ice Cream and Dinosaurs by Eric Litwin

Read the Book

Milk to Ice Cream by Lisa M. Herrington


Inside an Ice Cream Factory

Watch a video all about how ice cream is made in a factory.
Watch the Video

Lesson Activities


Writing and Drawing Activity

Make Up Your Own Ice Cream Treat

Materials: paper, writing and drawing/coloring utensils

If your child could make their very own ice cream dessert, what would it be? What would it look and taste like? Have your child write a few sentences about their unique ice cream treat!

Then, allow your child to draw their ice cream dessert and name it. They can be as creative as they want!

Optional Prompts: Is it sweet, sour, or salty? Is it soft-serve ice cream or fully frozen? Do you want it in a cup, bowl, or cone? What toppings do you want on it?

Actividad de escritura y dibujo

Crea tu propio postre helado

Materiales: papel, materiales para escribir, dibujar y colorear

Si tu niño pudiera hacer su propio postre helado, ¿cómo sería? ¿Qué sabor tendría? Pídele a tu niño que escriba varias oraciones que describan ese postre helado tan especial.

Entonces, permítele al niño que dibuje su postre helado y le ponga un nombre. ¡Puede ser todo lo creativo que quiera!

Preguntas opcionales: ¿Es dulce, agrio o salado? ¿Es helado suave o completamente helado? ¿Lo quieres en un vaso, un plato hondo o un cono? ¿Qué aderezos quieres echarle?